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Everything to know about Char Dham Yatra | Char Dham Yatra registration 2024 | Char Dham Yatra 2024

admin | July 28th, 2024

The “Char Dham Yatra” which is considered to be one of the most sacred and holy sites of India. According to Hindu history it is said that everyone must visit “Char Dham” once in their lifetime to achieve “Moksha” and these Dhams are also known as pillars of 4 different yugas.

But whenever we hear or listen about Char Dham, there are bundle of doubts, confusion and myths about this sacred journey. Many are confused about road map of this journey, some are doubtful over budget and some can’t plan their journey with right timeline.

In this informative article we aim to clarify everything about this “Holy Journey” and provide a precise roadmap with minimum budget, best places to stay, best ways to travel etc.

Let’s start with knowing everything about this soulful Journey.

What is Char Dham Yatra ?

The ancient Indian history holds all the answers about Char Dham Yatra, all these holy sites were established by Guru Adi Shankaracharya when he was travelling India bare foot.

Guru Adi Shankaracharya is known for establishment of many other temples in India, one of the famous Indian temple is Kedarnath situated in Uttrakhand.

Char Dham Yatra consists of 4 different “Hindu Mandir” or “Dham” situated in 4 different directions.

Badrinath Dham is the first Dham situated on mountains in Uttrakhand, established in “Satya Yuga” which is known as first ever started yuga.

Rameswaram is the second destination which was established in “Treta Yug” situated in southern most part of India i.e. Tamil Nadu.

Dwaraka is the third Dham of our list, established in “Dvapara Yuga” situated in western part of India, Gujarat.

The last Dham is Jagannatha at Puri Odisha, this temples established in starting of “Kali Yuga” which is also the current yuga according to Hindu History.

Char Dham Yarta Travel Guides

As mentioned in above points, all these Char Dhams are situated in 4 different directions which makes this travel even tougher.

Still the best part is all these 4 locations are linked with good roads and trains.
Construction of Airports is possible but with proper planning.

Via Train –

Train is one of best modes to travel for Char Dham Yatra as all of these Dhams are well connected with Railway lines. By keeping any station as your base station you can start the journey. Railway Fare may vary from INR 5,000 to 50,000 depending on your budget.

Indian Railways also launched special Char Dham train which is a 16 days tour that will cover all 4 Dhams and some prominent cities likes Ayodhya and Varanasi, click here to know everything about Char Cham Yatra Train.

Via Road/Bus –

Road ways of private/government bus is also another mode to travel for Char Dhams but this can be hectic or tiring yet quite possible and adventurous.

All these 4 locations are well connected with National Highways and good roads, also these cities will be soon connected via Indian Golden Quadrilateral Road Project.

Buses fare may vary from INR 18, 000 to INR 38,000 depending on type of bus that you are selecting.

Via Air –

This will be the fastest way to travel for Char Dham location but not a pocket friendly method.

All cities are connected with Airports and road connectivity from Airports to actual locations.

Flight Tickets may cost up to INR 35,000 to INR 75,000. These cost can be lowered down to 50% if tickets are booked prior 3 to 5 months.